Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Not Your Mother's Forty: Looking Good at 40+

Can you choose which of these women is 40 or over? Gotcha! They all are.

Encouraged at 40 Something

The time has come to think seriously about the legacy I will leave when I am no longer present on this earth. My friends and I are 40 something and having the time of our lives. We have reared wonderful children, have happy husbands (at least that's what they tell us), and we have our educations either awarded through an accredited university or through life's journey. Many of us have traveled hard and heavy to get to where we are in our professions and in our lives. Some of us have even resorted to leave the workforce and make things work at home. ("Nobody knows the trouble I see" when I had to turn to totally depending on my hubby financially.)

Today is the day that we must stop in our tracks and decide in addition to all the other wonderful things we have done in our lives, how we will reach our personal goals that we have tucked away and only taken peeks at from time to time while we focused on everyone else's dreams. You know, you wanted that singing career and you were on your way, but the first baby came so you had to lay that dream aside while you spent many nights lying next to your firstborn admiring every breath he took. How about the business you wanted to run out of your home that your husband said just go on and do it if it makes you happy? But you were so careful to not squander household money on a project that would only bring you great joy but bring the family little money.

Because every waking hour you have you spent on everyone else, you let your body go and thus your dream of modeling now seems so far away - even if only in a JCPenney Catalog, it seems like it will never happen. You may be the mom who loves being a mom so much that you dreamed of a house full of kids but believe your age will not allow you to safely have at least 3 more children. So you keep dreaming about adopting other children, but think that you will never have the finances to do so. Stop doubting and start believing!

God has planted in my heart that for you THIS YEAR, NOW, is the time to pick up that dream, dust it off, and start making it real in your life. Let's talk about those dreams, encourage each other to shoot for them, share ideas and knowledge we have that can help each other get there.