Friday, January 25, 2008

Your Legacy

Now that I am older and have a daughter, I often think what she will think of me when I am no longer around. I want her to feel like she could have had no better mother, but often I am not sure if I am achieving that. I think we all want to be super mom who is emotionally and physically healthy while also maintaining a wonderful balance between home, work, volunteering, and church. There are times when it seems impossible to be who I want to be. I can't help but wonder if that is what matters since all children seem to want is our time and attention.

My mom was a great mother AND it seems she did many of those things. She had her own in-home business. She was active in the community, the church, and in each of our lives. AND THERE WERE FIVE OF US!!!!!!! I just want to be who she was and so much more.

Day to day I know I am creating a good legacy but in the words of Jim Collins how do I turn it from "good to great." As well, how should we really define "great" when it comes to how our children will view us later in life? I know that children truly only want our attention and approval, but why is it that I want to give so much more? I find myself wanting to volunteer more, exercise more, write a great book, create some wonderful invention. And I want to do all that for her! But then it's 9:00 at night and all I have energy left to do is read a bedtime story and say prayers. Lights out!

Have any thoughts on this? Have you thought about your legacy? What do you want to be able to leave your children? How will you accomplish it? What kind of legacy has your mother created for you? Were there other women who influenced you or who you look up to?

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